Maagar Mochot conducted a poll that was broadcast by 103 FM Radio on Aug 11 2016.

Current Knesset seats in [brackets]

27 [30] Likud

21 [11] Yesh Atid

13 [08] Bayit Yehudi

13 [13] The Joint (Arab) List

10 [24] Zionist Union

09 [06] Yisrael Beitenu

08 [07] Shas

07 [06] Yahadut Hatorah/UTJ

06 [10] Kulanu

06 [05] Meretz

70 [67] Right-Religious

50 [53] Center-Left-Arab

KnessetJeremy Analysis: This is first Maagar Mochot poll released to the public since January.  It is within the margin of error of the latest Geocartographia polls as well as the latest Panels, Smith, Dialog, Midgam and Teleseker polls. I will update the KnessetJeremy Average shortly to reflect the latest poll.