Panels conducted a poll of 501 people with a 4.3% margin of error for Maariv and The Jerusalem Post that was published on May 11 2016. Below is the full list of questions and answers that include results that were not published and were released to KnessetJeremy for publication.

How proud are you to be Israeli?

84% Proud, 16% Not proud

Breakdown: 54% Extremely proud, 30% Pretty proud, 13% Not so proud, 3% Not proud at all

Interesting Demographics: 81% of national religious voters answered extremely proud compared to 50% of secular.

 What connects you the most to the State of Israel?

39% Family, 21% History, 21% Bible, 8% Political Independence, 3% Language, 3% The places, 2% Friends, 1% Weather, 2% Don’t know

Interesting Demographics: 74% of Ultra-Orthodox and 47% of National Religious answered the Bible. 58% of secular people answered their family.

To what extent is the State of Israel a place that is good to live in?

76% Good, 24% Not good

Breakdown: 48% Pretty good, 28% Extremely good, 20% Not so good, 4% Not good at all

Interesting Demographics: 54% of religious answered extremely good, as did 38% of the 60+ demographic. 29% of secular people answered not so good.

How satisfied are you from your life in Israel on a 1-10 scale, 1 being the least satisfied and 10 being the most?

Average – 7.0

Interesting Demographics:  7.8 – Religious, 7.5 – 45+Demographic, 6.6 – 44- Demographic, 6.5 Secular.

Under certain circumstances would you consider leaving the country for good?

69% No, 28% Yes, 3% Don’t know

Breakdown: 38% For sure not, 31% Probably not, 22% Possibly would, 6% For sure

Interesting Demographics:  12% of 29- demographic have for sure considered leaving for good. 60% of religious and 58% of 60+ demographic answered they would for sure not consider leaving for good.

Question for those who answered they ‘possibly would’ or ‘for sure’ considered leaving for goodWhat is the main reason you are considering leaving the country?

63% My personal economic situation, 10% Danger to democracy, 9% The process of the ultra-orthodox gaining more power in the country, 8% Fear of war, 7% Internal homeland security situation, 3% Don’t know

Do you believe that Israel’s existence is a fact on the ground or is the State under a substantial threat?

73% Fact on the ground, 21% Under a substantial threat, 6% Don’t know

What is the most urgent problem facing the State of Israel today?

27% High cost of living and the economic gaps, 18% Palestinian terror wave, 15% External security threats such as Hamas and Hezbollah, 8% Housing prices, 6% Corruption in public sector, 5% Breaking the diplomatic deadlock with the Palestinians, 4% Educating the youth, 3% Relations between secular and religious, 3% Relations between right and left, 3% International isolation, 2% Relations with the Arab population, 2% Difficulties in the health system, 1% Treatment of elderly, 1% Rising crime rates, 1% A different problem, 1% Don’t know

Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the possibility that the economic situation and the social gaps in the State of Israel over the next decade?

52% Pessimistic, 42% Optimistic, 6% Don’t know

Interesting Demographics:  71% of religious are optimistic and 69% of secular are pessimistic.

Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the security situation in the State of Israel over the next decade?

54% Pessimistic, 42% Optimistic, 4% Don’t know

Interesting Demographics:  56% of religious and 54% of traditional are optimistic. 65% of secular are pessimistic.

To what extent are you worried that a war will break out in the near future?

48% Pretty worried, 28% Not so worried, 15% Very worried, 6% Not worried at all, 3% Don’t know

Interesting Demographics:  27% of northern residents are very worried.

To what extent are you worried about an international boycott or international isolation on the State of Israel?

46% Not so worried, 24% Pretty worried, 18% Not worried at all, 8% Very worried, 4% Don’t know

How grade do you give the activity of the ministers and MKs for the public on a 1-10 scale, 1 being the least satisfied and 10 being the most?

Average – 4.4

Interesting Demographics:  5.4 – Religious, 3.9 – Secular.

How grade do you give the activity of the ministers and MKs for the public on a 1-10 scale, 1 being the least satisfied and 10 being the most?

Average – 4.7

Interesting Demographics:  6.1 – Ultra-Orthodox, 6.0 National Religious, 3.6 – Secular.

From the following list of people who would you most like to have lunch with or go out with to a pub?

12% Shimon Peres, 10% Benjamin Netanyahu, 10% Yair Lapid, 8% Naftali Bennett, 7% Ayelet Shaked, 7% Avigdor Liberman, 7% Moshe Kahlon, 5% Miri Regev, 5% Gadi Eizenkot, 4% Yaakov Litzman, 2% Gilad Erdan, 2% Moshe Yaalon, 2% Aryeh Deri, 2% Issac Herzog, 2% Zahava Gal-On, 1% Uri Ariel, 1% Achmed Tibi, 1% Yisrael Katz, 1% Gila Gamliel, 1% Avi Gabai, 1% Haim Katz, 1% Yoav Galant, 1% Ofir Akunis, 1% David Azoluai, 1% Zeev Elkin, 0% Yuval Steinitz, 0% Yariv Levin, 3% None of them, 2% Don’t know

What is the most Israeli activity in your eyes?

26% To send out a special aid delegation to those harmed around the world, 14% To barbeque, 12% To fast on Yom Kippur, 11% To help the weak, 10% To complain about the situation, 9% To cut in line, 7% To eat Humus, 4% To honk your horn on the roads, 3% To play games at the beach, 4% Don’t know

What is your favorite Israeli quality?

44% Helping each other, 18% Being chummy, 13% Opening your home to guests, 9% True friendship, 9% Speaking directly and being forthright, 2% Integrity,  5% Don’t know

What Israeli ‘quality’ bothers you the most?

23% Corruption, 20% Lack of respect for one another, 14% Socail gaps, 13% Polarization and hatred between right and left, 12% Yelling/Being very vocal, 6% Behavior on the roads, 6% Unclean public areas, 4% Treatment of the elderly, 2% Don’t know

What is your favorite Israeli food?

54% Falafel, 18% Humus, 6% Shawarma, 6% Vegetable salad, 4% Shnitzel, 2% Chips (French fries), 2% Kuskus, 1% Gefilte fish, 1% Pizza, 1% Kuba, 1% Chrema, 0% Pasta, 0% Hamburger, 0% Sushi, 4% Don’t know

Which of the following women would you like to go out for a night of entertainment with?

37% None of them, 23% Gal Gadot, 15% Bar Refaeli, 11% Ayelet Shaked, 7% Sarit Hadad, 4% Sarah Netanyahu, 2% Gila Gamliel, 1% Don’t know

Interesting Demographics:  Bar Refaeli won with the 29- demographic with 25%, Gal Gadot won with the 30-44 demographic with 30%, Ayelet Shaked won with the 60+ demographic – 19%. Shaked also won national religious – 22% and ultra-orthodox voters – 19%.
Notes on demographics: All Israeli citizens – Jews and Arabs – were questioned in the poll. In addition there were breakdowns for right-center-left, male-female, the various age groups and geographic districts. The Jewish demographic was broken down to ultra-orthodox, national-religious, traditional, secular with affinity for tradition and those who define themselves as totally secular.

Shameless Plug: For those who didn’t see I launched a new feature on the site:

The KnessetJeremy Polling Average – The Israeli Poll of Polls

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20th Knesset: KnessetJeremy Polling Average